
Encountering the common house mouse in your home is what gives this little rodent the designation: common. Encountering a rat, and a dead rat smell, in your home is not common. A dead rat smell is stronger than a dead mouse, though the stink of either can drive your family from the house. To combat the smell of a dead rat, you need a long-lasting, highly effective odor removal product. Smelleze® Reusable Dead Animal Smell Eliminator Pouches are the perfect weapon against dead rat smells, attacking odors at the molecular level and reactivating in direct sunlight, allowing each Pouch to eradicate dead rodent smells for weeks or even months.

When the Smell of a Dead Rat Invades Your Home

The only thing more disgusting than having a rat in or around your house is having a rat die somewhere in, under, or around your house. The dead rat smell that can invade your home when that happens is more than most families can stand.  And, if the dead rodent smell is in your business location, the stink can have an adverse effect on your business. 

No matter where the foul odor shows up, you need to get rid of it!  Fast!

Finding the Source

When your home has been stunk up with a dead rat smell or dead rodent smell, you need to find the carcass or at the least find where the stench is the strongest.  As the cartoon Toucan says:  Follow your nose! 

While conducting your sniff search, keep in mind that the dead rat smell may travel through the ductwork of your heating and cooling system. This can sometimes makes the dead rodent smell appear to be everywhere in the house. 

The most common areas where a dead rat smell in your house may occur are in a wall, in the attic, in the basement, in the crawlspace, and between ductwork and the floors. Most of these areas are very difficult to search, let alone retrieve the dead rat or rodent carcass. While it is beneficial in eradicating the dead rat smell in your house to remove the dead animal, if that’s impossible to do, you can still take effective steps to remove the dead rodent smell.

Fighting the Smell

From the first moment you notice the dead rat smell in your house, you can take steps to eliminate it, even before you do your sniff search. The fact that you can smell the dead animal is proof that the odor is air-borne, meaning that decomposition has reached a point of expelling gases from the carcass.

Eliminating the dead rodent smell from your house, and not covering it up with fragrance sprays, is the action you need to take. So-called ‘air freshener’ sprays cannot overcome the ever-growing stench a rotting rodent carcass will produce. In fact, it may make the odor problem worse. Who wants to endure a floral-scented dead rat smell? Such quickie solutions to dead animal odors can contribute to other problems, including leaving chemical residue on household surfaces and filling the air in your home with irritants that are challenging to people with allergies or respiratory issues.

Smelleze® Stops the Stink

You need to take on the dead rat smell at the molecular level. That means using a natural odor removal product that bonds with and eliminates air-borne odor molecules:  Smelleze® Reusable Dead Animal Smell Eliminator Pouches.

Smelleze® Pouches should be your dead rat smell eradicator weapon of choice as it will provide you with immediate relief from the dead rodent smell in your house. Remember: if you can smell it, the odor is air-borne – and Smelleze® Pouches have been specially developed to eliminate air-borne odors.

Easy to use and affordable, Pouches can be hung or placed in the areas where the dead rat smell is strongest. If the dead animal smell seems to be everywhere, Pouches can be placed or hung near air ducts. Dead rodents are often found near or in heating and cooling system ductwork, which means the stench can quickly be carried throughout your house.

Smelleze® Pouches offer long-lasting dead rodent smell removal. Each Pouch is reusable, reactivated by direct sunlight, which means weeks or even months of stink-fighting protection.

You never have to worry about ill effects of chemicals or air-borne irritants with Smelleze® Pouches, because each Pouch is filled with all-natural ingredients that are safe for use around people and pets. developed Smelleze® Reusable Dead Animal Smell Eliminator Pouches as an odor removal solution that stops dead rat or rodent smells in your house at their source.

Fight dead rat and rodent smells in your house with the long-lasting power of Smelleze® Reusable Pouches – and breathe deep!