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    How to Get Smell Out of Things

    7 Easy Ways to Battle Trash Can Odors Effectively

    The battle with trash can odors is a never-ending one in many households. It might reach a point where you may even dread stepping on the lever to pop it open for fear of filling the whole house with a foul smell. Well, you can’t place all the blame on the trash can, as long… Continue reading 7 Easy Ways to Battle Trash Can Odors Effectively

    Choosing Carpet Cleaning Products


    Deep cleaning never promises an easy approach. Hoovering does not require moving furniture, while carpet cleaning means you need to move your furniture or remove it from the room entirely. And the most disappointing thing is that you have to wait a considerably long time for fabrics to dry before you start putting everything back… Continue reading Choosing Carpet Cleaning Products

    4 Remedies for Stubborn Odors

    There is nothing more pleasant than a clean, fresh-smelling home. Unfortunately, your home can also be a breeding ground for nasty odors. Here are some common home odors and how to get rid of them: Stinky Garbage Can Everybody is familiar with the stinky smell of a full garbage can. Eggshells, potato skins, and apple… Continue reading 4 Remedies for Stubborn Odors

    How to Get that Musty Smell Out of Your Stored Items

    Those precious goods that you so carefully stored away have maintained their condition over the last few years, with one exception: they now have that awful mildew-y smell. Items like baby clothes and holiday décor are only needed periodically and often remain in storage longer than they are in use, but that doesn’t mean that… Continue reading How to Get that Musty Smell Out of Your Stored Items

    Carpet Cleaning: Stain Removal

    Most people learn at a young age just how important carpeting is upon visiting the home of a neat-freak relative who insists on shoe removal before tramping around inside the home. But those more overzealous carpet owners often have good reason to be so diligent in regards to its protection: carpeting can be very expensive,… Continue reading Carpet Cleaning: Stain Removal

    How to Control Smelly Compost Odor

    As people throughout the world turn a more attentive eye to the environment, new ways to promote sustainable living become popular. But some environmentally friendly methods of reducing the old carbon footprint have been around for ages. Take composting for example. This type of recycling is an extension of what occurs naturally, and it is… Continue reading How to Control Smelly Compost Odor

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