People tend to associate air pollution with the dirty air produced by vehicles, factories, and many other more prominent sources of pollution that they see during their daily commute. What many don’t know is that indoor air – the one that you breathe inside your home and other indoor spaces – could be worse than that outdoors.

According to experts, indoor air pollution is one of the prevailing environmental dangers of our generation. And since most of us spend more time indoors – in our homes, schools, offices, and commercial establishments, we have to play a more proactive role in keeping the air within these spaces safe for us to breathe.

A lot of people think that indoor air is cleaner and safer because it’s harder to see and figure out where the pollutants come from. But while it’s harder to see and detect them, airborne dangers are very much present in enclosed spaces. Molds, household cleaning products, and even the materials used to build homes could be sources of toxic gases and other substances that pollute the air around us.

Poor indoor air quality poses risks to health and well-being, and in some instances causing allergies and respiratory diseases, among others. Regular exposure to polluted indoor air, on the other hand, has more adverse consequences and may even lead to the development of more severe health problems.

Indoor pollution may be a major environmental danger, but it’s not too difficult to prevent or counter. Mold testing, regular HVAC maintenance, and immediate air conditioning repair, when necessary, are some of the simple yet effective measures that you can take to ensure that you’re breathing clean and safe air at home. Suffice it to say, protecting yourself and your family from the potential dangers of indoor air pollution requires immediate action.

This infographic provides important information about indoor air quality and plenty of useful tips on how you can keep indoor air fresh, clean, and safe.

facts about Indoor Air Quality